Home Inspector Newsletter
Issue #196, December 15, 2024
BizVelop: Free Business Development Tool
Whether you're a brand new inspector, a veteran inspector, or the owner of a multi-inspector firm, BizVelop first determines where you are now and then boosts all areas of your inspection business to help you get to that next level – and beyond – while, at the same time, identifying weaknesses and then strengthening them to increase your profits.
This online tool allows you to:
observe common defects,
practice identifying and describing them, and
learn how to properly write the observation in your report.
Download this free illustration of main lugs from InterNACHI's Gallery of inspection illustrations to boost your inspection reports.
Learn all the free website tools, resources, and features every home inspector website must have to generate more clients and revenue. Presented by Inspector Website Builder's Natasha Gromicko and InterNACHI's Ben Gromicko.
Evergreen Property Inspectors Partners with Cozy Coats for Kids®
InterNACHI® member William Frost of Evergreen Property Inspectors recently partnered with Cozy Coats for Kids® through their Annual Coat Delivery Program to provide brand-new winter coats to children in the St. Louis area. He also teamed up with American Legion Post 199 for their mid-year school supply drive benefiting the Edwardsville School District.
InterNACHI's Marketing Team will design your business cards, flyers, and brochures for free. Just place an order for a box of new business cards or flyers, and they'll design everything, including your logo.
During this class at the House of Horrors® in Pennsylvania, you will learn how to inspect the exterior components, understand how moisture, heat, and energy move through a home, and how to describe observed defects to clients.
An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining. As water backs up behind the dam, it can leak through the roof and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas.
Not all warranties are created equal. The InterNACHI® Inspection Warranty offers exclusive advantages to guarantee your work. The plan term is 90 days from closing or 120 days from the date of the inspection. This is specially geared to be flexible and allow more time for clients to get comfortable with their homes.